Washington, DC Trip

This map shows your hotels, the convention center, excellent, affordable restaurants, good bars, and places to sightsee.

Zagat's Highest Rated Restaurants Within 2 Miles of your hotels

Thai Square is also number one on Trip Advisor

Zagat's Best Buys on Restaurants Within 2 Miles of your hotels

Trip Advisor's Top Arlington restaurants:

1. Thai Square Restaurant
2. Matuba
3. Carlyle Grand Cafe
4. Rhodeside Grill
5. Little Viet Garden
6. Woo Lae Oak of Seoul
7. Italian Store
8. Minh's Vietnamese Restaurant
9. Ruth's Chris Steak House
10. Taste of Morocco

Zagat's Rated Bars within 2 miles of your hotel

This map shows the top rated bars between your hotel and the convention center.

Zagat's Highest Rated Attractions Within 10 miles of your hotel

Trip Advisor's Top Attractions

1. International Spy Museum
2. National Archives
3. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
4. Smithsonian Institution
5. Vietnam Veterans Memorial
6. National Air and Space Museum
7. National Museum of Natural History
8. National Gallery of Art
9. National Museum of American History
10. National Mall

The easiest thing to do might be to go to the mall where virtually everything on the list above is right together. The map also shows very good, affordable restaurants close to the mall. Your conference center is right at the top of the map.

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